Wednesday 20 June 2007

P for ‘principles’

I know for sure that all I need to do to find my body (I don’t like to use ‘to lose weight’ – these are dieting-days words) is:
- to pay attention
- not to overeat

That is all it takes.

And then forbid myself to think about it toooooo much, of course. Thinking about it too much makes me focus on the wrong thing(s) (When will I be hungry next? When will I lose weight? Am I going to be hungry at lunch time? etc.)

Yes, the two principles outlined above our my life-savers. And they are all I need to change my life.

What are your life-saving principles?


Anonymous said...

Not a life-saving principle, but my IE reminder (for now at least):
Food is for Fuel..but it doesn't have to taste like gas.

Not Hungry But... said...

That's a good one! I'll remember it any time I feel like overeating. Thank you!