Tuesday, 19 June 2007

E for ‘enemies’

I realised today that my first enemies are my habits. I have three habits (as far as eating is concerned – I have many more for other things!!):

1) I read while I eat my breakfast and most of my lunches (those I spend at home when I don’t go to work and my husband is not at home, i.e. on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays).
2) I put too big portions on my plate/in my bowl.
3) I finish what is on my plate/in my bowl no matter what.

My aim from now on will be to eliminate these habits, and for ever. Indeed, I have managed to stop reading and/or serving too big portions and/or finishing what’s on my plate/in my bowl for long stretches of time before, but I always go back to these horrible, ancestral, learned habits. This MUST stop if I am to get to my normal body weight and shape.

What are your habits and why would you like to change them? How are they detrimental to you/your IE goals?

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